Thursday, 17 November 2016

Planning residential block

This is an example of conceptual plans which I sketched for a residential project. If you can notice there is no grid for drawing these plans. So trick is you can take a reference line length arbitrarily and then draw other lengths with reference to that line. Such plans are called parti and space planning can be easier if you have clear and logical partis.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Why not sketch an architect rather than architecture....afterall architecture is a dynamic field

As a nation India has lost one of the most influential figure in architecture. Yes I am talking about sir Charles Correa. To pay tribute to his work I sketched his portrait in architecture style. Hope you guys
like it.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Hello friends these above sketches are interior one point perspectives for my friends client. I have drawn them quickly to visualise interior space and it's character with basic furniture. Such sketches provide great start to a project. 

Friday, 21 June 2013

In this sketch I was trying to learn how to draw perspective with elements which have different Vanishing points. All object do not share same vanishing points in this sketch, hence giving different depth realms at different place in the sketch !

Trying My hands on something traditional, just some random sketching with Arches as element of emphasis!

Hello friends I am posting after a long time on this blog. I was keeping busy for few weeks. Other day I was checking some examples of high rise structures and thought what all could be done to make a long pipe look interesting. I though Why not alter balconies which look flat from downside. Therefore I have tried little alterations on two faces to make it look interesting. This sketch took me only 4 minutes and this is the power of sketching !!